Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today has been something else.. Slept in till 1pm, then did practically nothing till i had to go to work at 5.. Which by the way it sucked.. Being sick and working at the same time doesn't go well together.. I hate being sick.. But who would want to be sick anyway? Wisdom teeth are pushing through my gum as i speak, and it hurts like crazy! So as you can probably tell it hasn't been such a great day for me today..Oh well, I didn't let that get me down.

Pretty Little Liars was AMAZING!! As always! That ending though.. I don't know if i should believe it or not? What are your opinions?! And then Toby, in London?!!?? What the heck?! Where did that come from.. Or was another thing from A? Guess we'll have to wait and see..

Gosh, i'm getting tired.. Guess that cold medicine is actually trying to work.. Haha! So with that being said, I'm gonna go ahead and go to sleep. Gotta work tomorrow.. blahhh! But at least it's payday! So there's a plus to it!  :) Well goodnight y'all! Sleep tight!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bare. I am following your blog post and I did comment on your blog post of 1st March. I did write you on your email too. Hope and pray that you will find time to respond to my invitation. God bless you and praying for you specially for your wisdom teeth not to bother you with pain.
