Thursday, March 6, 2014

Do you ever get the feeling that your going to be alone forever? That's a really big deal to be thinking about that! But God has a plan for you and how you will deal with it. I don't know where that came from, I guess it was just a random though that went through my head...

I know I technically didn't write yesterday, but in a way I did since I posted at midnight :p haha

Anyway, here I am laying in bed with my puppy. I'm finally feeling better. I'm not a 100% but I'm better than I was. It's kinda funny how I've been taking cold medicine and it hadn't been doing anything, then today I switch to something completely different and within hours my head wasn't as congested, my voice was somewhat normal again, and I felt like I actually had energy. Granted my mouth was still hurting, but it wasn't as bad!  Thinking about that.. It's kinda like your relationship with God. You start doing basic stuff never changing or doing anything new to try to help or even improve your relationship... But then one day you decide to ask for help, and they tell you have to do this and change your ways, and your kinda hesitant to it, but you decide later on in the day to try it and everything stares to change within hours. Because God wants you to get closer to him! And keeping it up and not get back I to the phase of doing the same old stuff. You can't be afraid to try new things. But at the same time you need to be careful with what you do try.  Well that's my thought for today.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll write some more, and actually have something good to read! For now I need to get some sleep. Gotta work tomorrow! Can't wait to have another day off soon! Goodnight!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today has been something else.. Slept in till 1pm, then did practically nothing till i had to go to work at 5.. Which by the way it sucked.. Being sick and working at the same time doesn't go well together.. I hate being sick.. But who would want to be sick anyway? Wisdom teeth are pushing through my gum as i speak, and it hurts like crazy! So as you can probably tell it hasn't been such a great day for me today..Oh well, I didn't let that get me down.

Pretty Little Liars was AMAZING!! As always! That ending though.. I don't know if i should believe it or not? What are your opinions?! And then Toby, in London?!!?? What the heck?! Where did that come from.. Or was another thing from A? Guess we'll have to wait and see..

Gosh, i'm getting tired.. Guess that cold medicine is actually trying to work.. Haha! So with that being said, I'm gonna go ahead and go to sleep. Gotta work tomorrow.. blahhh! But at least it's payday! So there's a plus to it!  :) Well goodnight y'all! Sleep tight!

Monday, March 3, 2014

It's the little things that count

Another breath, another day, another week. It seems like every time we wake up  we don't do the things we should.. Like thanking the person who gave you that breath to breathe! I mean yeah thanking Him for a breath of life is a big deal! I mean If you didn't have that would you even be alive? Think about it. 

Day 2 (March 2nd. 2014)

Well, it's that time of the day again.. Day two. Well technically i missed it, but at the same time I didn't because it's still March 2nd in nashville! So, tonight we're just gonna go by that! ;) haha..

Alright, where shall i start tonight? Anyone have any ideas? Anyone? Guess not. Oh well!

Here i am on a Sunday night.. It was a beautiful 70 degree day. Yes, i said 70 degrees! Crazy, huh?  Oh yeah, their calling for a wintery mix/snow for tomorrow.. aka today! (Monday) Gotta love that NC weather! You'll never know what to expect!

Tonight as I was watching the Oscars a certain speech stood out more than all the others.. Can anyone guess who's that was? Well, if you followed me on twitter you would know the answer.. But, was it 1. Cate Blanchett? 2. Jared Leto? or 3. Matthew McConaughey? If you guess #3 you would be correct! His speech wasn't like everyone else' speech. He truly thanked God for all that he's done for him, and that he wouldn't be where he is or who he is without him in front of him! Now seriously, tell me what big time actor like he is would say something like that!? Can anyone think of anyone? If so, please, let me know! It truly is an amazing thing how God is your friend. He will always be there for you, to talk to, cry on, and so on. So many things God is there for you. No matter how rough of a life you live, he will ALWAYS be there for you. What friend of yours can you say will do something like that? God put's people in your life for a purpose.

I have a song stuck in my head. But, it's only one part of the song. Heck, it's not even the full chorus of that song. Why must this part be in my head? It's really hard telling.. Unless someone is telling me to really pay attention to the words i'm repeating in my head, and start praying about them.. Maybe something is really bothering me and i need to just "Let it go".. What am I trying to hold back? I really can't think of anything.. Isn't it weird how you get songs like that stuck ? There has to be a reason.. That or i just really like that song.. So maybe it's little of both?

Well, its getting pretty late here. So I think i'm going to call it a night. Plus, i wanna wake up on time to meet up with a friend to go see Endless Love! :) I'm so excited to be going to see this movie. I'll be sure to post tomorrow about whether it was good or not! Until next time, Goodnight! Sleep well! And thanks for listening!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st 2014

Today I'm starting something on my bucket list. I have a long way to go to finish it to be honest. There is more than 200 things on that list. But I'm not here to talk about that.  I'm going to do my best to journal everyday for a year. Yes, you heard correctly a year. I might be a little crazy for wanting to start something like this when I'm only 20 years old. But, what's the difference of journal here than on paper? Well, i guess paper is a little more personal. Where when I do it on here, everyone and brother can see it.. To be honest though, i really don't care. I doubt I'm going to post really personal things anyway. And I seriously doubt anyone will really read this. I hate to be my own critic, but, sometimes you have to be. If I only get 1 view every week that isn't me looking at my page, I'll be happy. I'm not doing this to get popular. I'm doing this to show the world that not everyone is perfect, not everyone ends up doing the things they think they will. But who knows maybe one day I'll figure out what I want to do with my life.. And till that day, I'm going to live my life to the best of my ability. And have fun while I'm at it! I mean seriously, what's life without having fun? It'd probably be a dull world... Just sayin!

Well, why don't we take a little time to get to know each other. First off, my name is Becca. I'm 20 years old, most importantly I go to church. Which I'm also a youth leader there.  I love it.. I live in a small town in good ol' NC! I'm a southern girl, and I'm proud of it! I wouldn't change to save my life. I played sports all my life, so i would be considered a tomboy. I'm not afraid to get dirty.. But when i see a spider cricket, I will turn and run the other direction..haha. Not that any of you wanted to know that.. Anyway, I work pretty much every day. And I absolutely love my job. I love going out to the park behind my house to take pictures, hang out, and even go for a nice run on the trails. But that's enough about the little things.. Now on to what i should type.. Hmmm.. This is the hard part. I guess.. I don't really know, I've never done something like this.

It's hard to believe that it's March. This year is going by so quickly, already.. It still feels like just yesterday I was in high school. And to think that in June it'll be 2 years since i graduated!! Gosh, I'm getting old.. I think my age is finally catching up to how my body feels. Haha! Playing sports all your life and getting hurt during that time doesn't go well together! Just sayin! But don't ever let that from keeping you away from the game. Here I am at 11:30pm just typing away on here.. I should really get some sleep since I've haven't been feeling good today.. I even missed work because of it.. Stupid cold/virus thing! I hate being sick. I keeps me from doing things i have to go and do! Well, I think it's time for me to say goodnight! I have to get up on time to make it to church. So on that note. Goodnight world! I'll talk to y'all tomorrow! :)